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Desserts recipes

Cocoa, citrum and figs cake together with a white chocolate cream

Torta al cacao, fichi e cedro accompagnata da crema al cioccolato bianco

Ingredients for 8 servings:
For the cake:
130 gr butter
250 gr sugar
2 eggs
185 gr white flour
40 gr cocoa powder
185 ml fresh milk
120 gr dry figs
60 gr candied citrum
1/3 tsp of baking powder

For the cream:
100 gr white chocolate
50 ml fresh cream

Ready in: about 70 minutes

How to prepare the recipe: "Cocoa, citrum and figs cake together with a white chocolate cream":
Using electric whisk beat 120 gr of soften butter with the sugar until you get a white mixture. Add the eggs, one at a time, with a pinch of salt, always beating. Pour the sifted flour with the baking powder and cocoa alternating with the milk, so that you will get a smooth and soft dough.

Cut the figs to little cubes and add to the dough that you’ll pour inside a greased plumcake mold with a strip of baking paper on the bottom. Level the surface and spread with the candied citrum cutted into little cubes. Bake at 180 °C for about 45 minutes.

In the meantime warm the cream; remove from the heat and add the chopped chocolate, beating to mix well the mixture. Remove the cake from the mold, let it cool on a wire rack and cut in slices.
Serve with the white chocolate cream lightly spread with grated nutmeg.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Difficulty: medium

Chef's advice
For a more fine alternative, you can substitute the nutmeg with the Pécan nut.
I suggest to serve this cake with Malvasia delle Lipari.
Cocoa, citrum and figs cake together with a white chocolate cream

In the picture, Cocoa, citrum and figs cake together with a white chocolate cream

More recipes tagged with... cocoa chocolate citrum figs cake vegetarian recipe 

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