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First courses recipes

Lasagna with mushrooms and artichokes

Lasagne ai funghi e carciofi

Ingredients for 4 servings:
400 gr whole wheat flour
3 artichokes
150 gr peas already shelled
200 gr ground pork
300 gr fresh mushrooms (or 30 gr dried mushrooms)
200 gr mozzarella cheese
Abundant chopped onion and celery
1 laurel leaf
Grated Grana Padano cheese
8 eggs
Some tbsp of gravy rost
Extra virgin olive oil

Ready in: about 120 minutes

How to prepare the recipe: "Lasagna with mushrooms and artichokes":
Knead the flour with four eggs, a pinch of salt and as much water as needed in order to get a dough enough hard. Knead the dough with floured hands until it will be smooth and solid.
Roll out with a “mattarello” (rolling pin) until you get a sheet thin enough, divide into squares 8-10 cm side.
Proceed with the seasoning: slightly fry the ground pork in a little oil, pour into a bowl, add 3 tbsp of grated Grana Padano, one egg, salt and pepper.
Mix well and with this mixture make “polpettine” (little meatballs); fry them into abundant hot oil.
Drain them, place onto blotting paper and keep warm.
Slightly fry chopped onion and celery into a little oil, then add mushrooms, cleaned and sliced (if you use dried mushrooms, soak them into warm water before use), artichokes without outer leaves, thorny tips and cut into wedges, peas and the leaf of laurel.
Cook, covered with a lid and at low heat, adding, if needed, some boiling water.
In the meantime, boil the remaining eggs for 9 minutes, calculating time from the beginning of boiling.
Slice the mozzarella.
Boil the lasagne squares into abundant salted water, drain, soak them into cold water, drain again and place onto a clean canvas.
Oil a baking dish and place layers of gravy rost, boiled eggs cut into rings, vegetables mix, cheese, mozzarella, meatballs, ending with grated cheese.
Bake in hot oven at 190 °C; bring out when the surface is golden.

Chef’s advices
I suggest to pair this dish with Traminer Aromatico or Garda Bianco (white wines).

Type of dish: first course
Serve: 4 people
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 90 minutes
Difficulty: medium
Origin: Italy
Lasagna with mushrooms and artichokes

In the picture, Lasagna with mushrooms and artichokes

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