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First courses recipes

Potato pie

Gattò di patate

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 kg potatoes
80 gr butter
100 gr Parmesan cheese
3 yolks
2 albumens
80 gr salami
250 gr provola cheese and mozzarella cheese
“Sugna” (“strutto”, lard)

Ready in: about 75 minutes

How to prepare the recipe: "Potato pie":
Boil potatoes, peel and mash.
Add butter, grated Parmesan, yolks, albumens, chopped salami, minced parsley, salt and pepper.
Mix well. Grease a mold with “sugna”, sprinkle it with breadcrumbs. Pour a first layer of smashed potatoes mixture, then cover with chopped mozzarella and provola and finally cover with the remaining smashed potatoes mixture.
Level the surface and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and some knobs of butter.
Cook in a hot oven and remove when the surface looks golden.
“Gattò” must be served cold.

Preparation: 30 minutes
Cooking: 45 minutes
Difficulty: easy

Chef's advice
Gattò is Neapolitan for the French gateau and generally refers to a pie, be it savory or sweet. This particular gattò is savory, and will be a wonderful idea on cold winter days. It also adds a new dimension to the concept of mashed potatoes. 
You can use baked ham (1 whole slice) instead of salami.
The recommended wine is Buranco (white) or Soave Classico (white).
Potato pie
Potato pie

In the picture, Potato pie

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