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Desserts recipes

Trifle in the cup

Zuppa inglese in coppa

Ingredients for 4 servings:
For the trifle:
300 gr sponge cake
4 tbsp Alchermes
80 gr sugar
70 dark chocolate

For the cream:
250 ml milk
2 yolks
60 gr sugar
30 gr white flour
1 tsp of vanilla extract

Ready in: about 55 minutes

How to prepare the recipe: "Trifle in the cup":
Let’s start with the cream: beat the egg yolks in a pan with the sugar in order to obtain a soft and clear froth. Add the flour and vanilla extract. In another pot heat milk and slowly pour over the mixture of yolks and flour. Put the pan on low heat for 5 minutes at least and firm the cream.

Now, with a pastry cutter form several little discs from the sponge cake (the diameter must allow them to be inserted in the cups). Melt sugar with 200 ml of very hot water. Add Alchermes and let it cool. Wet the discs with the Alchermes syrup. Finally, melt the dark chocolate “a bagnomaria” (bain-marie).

Make the zuppa inglese alternating the cream, sponge cake discs and melted chocolate. Let the cups rest in the refrigerator for 2 hours before serving.

Preparation time: 35 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: easy

Chef's advice
The zuppa inglese is a British-born sweet wich comes from the “Trifle”, a popular dessert of Anglo-Saxon countries. But according to others, the birth of this delicious sweet is to be found in the Italian Renaissance.
The reccomended wine for this sweet is Madeira.
Trifle in the cup

In the picture, Trifle in the cup

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